Jun 15, 2017

Sketches from my dream memory.

The other day, I had a really weird dream where I take a train from this train station in a cave.  The station is called "Shinagawa" and I somehow remember that I've been there before too.  The name "Shinagawa" actually is one of the train station in Tokyo, however the real Shinagawa is very futuristic and located almost very center of the business district in Tokyo and is surrounded by many tall business buildings... and not in the cave!!

this one is the first try with watercolor.

2nd try with watercolor pencils and water brush.

Anyway, I took a train from this Shinagawa station to do a coverage on this town where there are only elderly and cats live together.  I was carrying a video camera and was with a couple of crew...  Once there, I remember walking around the town and seeing many cats and elderly walking around.  Everything was slow.  I saw Prius driving in front of us but it was really slow, and it had a cat's face graphic covering the entire back of the Prius...? I also remember seeing a humanoid cat people with very funky fashion standing in front of this fence.  One of them wore a funky eye glasses but he? she? wore it somewhat crooked way that it wasn't fitting the right way... I found that very interesting so I remember that very clearly.

anyway, I thought it'd be interesting to document my dreams this way more...

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