Dec 26, 2017



Dec 25, 2017


部屋を整理してたら出て来た!Dan PriceのMoonlight Chronicles!! なんと1995年物です(笑)これが僕の『スケッチ』のルーツと言っても過言ではない。

Look what I have (re)discovered while cleaning my room.  Moonlight Chronicles by Dan Price, circa 1995! I won't hesitate to say that this book/zine is my roots, for my sketching life.


I used to draw things since pretty much I was born but documenting, leaving something as a sketched format, happened after I read this book.

  まだUrabn Sketchingなんて言うコトバも発明?されてなかった頃。当時はこうやって自分の身の回りの事を記録する事はJournaling(ジャーナリング)って言われてたよ。

It was well before the word "Urban Sketching" was invented.  Back then, it was called "Journaling".

こんなに『上手く描こうとしてない』絵に、僕の心は射抜かれた(笑) これならオレもできるじゃん!て思ったよね、もちろん。

These lines!! I was struck by these "not trying to look good" look of his sketches.  And I thought "well, I could do this!",



But you know what, it was so very hard!? I was surprised to find out that I was unconsciously "trying to draw good".  The sketch looked nice and OK but it was boring, you know?

Just as you get bored quickly by a perfect looking girl?! no? lol


そんなワケで、未だにやっぱりこういう、どっちかというと描き手の個性が見える絵の方が断然に好きだなぁ。 でも世界は「上手い絵」が好きな人多いよね〜。教育され過ぎだよね。
Just drawing something in front of you, for the sake of wanting to draw.  That pure energy or a desire to express, will give a drawing/sketch a soul. Maybe he was "trying to make these sketches good" who knows, but I didn't see them that way.  It was more like, he tried as much as he could to draw whatever he wanted to draw, without trying to make them look perfect.

And I still value that kind of attitude myself.  You need to have FUN sketching, not perfection.  Though at the same time, I know many people love good/realistic looking sketches... I think they are overeducated, lol

Dec 19, 2017

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